II编年史 29:26 和利未人站在大卫的乐器, and the priests with the trumpets. 27 And Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt offering upon the altar. And when the burnt offering began, 耶和华的歌也开始用号, and with the instruments ordained by David king of Israel. 28 会众崇拜, 歌唱的歌唱, 和号手吹响: 和这一切继续,直到燔祭献完了. 29 当他们做了产品的一端, 王和所有跟随他俯伏, 和崇拜. 30 此外希西家王与诸侯吩咐利未人唱赞美耶和华与大卫的话, 和先见亚萨的子孙. 他们唱诗赞美充满喜悦, 他们低头拜.