耶稣基督,我们举起的每一个需要和情况,以期为整个关系基督耶稣的名身体. 耶稣基督有这么多被伤害和受伤; 如此多的是在恶劣的情况和无望的情况下. 耶稣基督也有不健康的,破碎的婚姻; 那些死去和受伤的婚姻. 耶稣基督, 你是医治者, 恢复, 辅导员.
你复活,这是死与死浪费地方主耶稣给带来的生活. 你触摸的深的地方,在我们的心中,没有人知道. 我们顺服神,完全服从你在我们的工作. 给婚姻死,被带来愈合和恢复和重建被毁; 婚姻受伤和生病, 医治他们和更新他们对彼此的爱. 恢复神圣的婚姻,他们进入盟约; 恢复和更新他们的誓言在耶稣的名字. 耶稣基督让你的爱消耗他们的心为你和另一个在耶稣的名字. 耶稣基督, 在路上要离婚的婚姻, 我们问你带了愈合和恢复对他们的心,只在耶稣的名字.
Restore the love that they once had for one another; let it be increased and intensified towards You Lord Jesus and towards one another. Let their hearts be connected to one another and let their love draw them closer to one another in Jesus Name. We take authority over every attack that is made on marriages right now, and we command them to cease and desist right now in Jesus Name.
We command all ungodliness and unholiness that is attacking the sanctity of marriage to release its grip on marriage right now and let loose of their hearts and their minds in Jesus Name. We bind you, bruise you, and cast you out by the power of Jesus Name. We command every lie and deceptive word spoken over marriage to silence right now in Jesus Name. 耶稣基督, we plead the blood of Jesus over every marriage and over the door posts of every heart and mind in Jesus Name. We renounce and denounce divorce right now in Jesus Name. We release the power of God to bring life and healing and restoration to every marriage in Jesus Name. 阿门.
参考. 乐队, J., 2013, Faith in Action Ministries, AL