Redeemed by Blood

His blood is SO strong and POTENT that it washes away ALL of our sins, it HEALS our bodies, it DRIVES away wicked and demonic spirits, it has REDEEMED us, it is POWERFUL, AND MORE….Jesus Christ is purifying himself a people who are His very OWN. All of the redeemed belong to Jesus Christ.

The devil cannot legally touch you. 知道事情的真相. 知道你们得在基督耶稣的人. 你是耶稣’ 拥有. 大声地说 “我属于耶稣基督. 所以让赎回的耶和华说 – 他从敌人手中所救赎的人. 将我赎回. 罪不再是我的主人. 耶稣基督是我的主. 我被属于耶稣基督的宝血。”
