Love Lifted Me


The love that my savior Jesus Christ has for me and all humanity is the greatest love of all. No such love has ever existed since the world began where the one true and living God sends His son, 耶稣基督, into this world to become the sacrifice for the sins of every human being in order to bring them back in right standing with God, also known as salvation.


Adam, the human father of all humanity, brought us out of fellowship with God by sinning. Hence, ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God; 然而, 耶稣基督, the son of God, brought us back into fellowship with God by becoming the sacrifice during the crucifixion for the sins of ALL humanity. Through this action, all humanity now has the opportunity to be saved AND, after this life, go to Heaven to be with Jesus Christ, His Father and all other believers of Christ Jesus (the saints) forever as well as the entire host of Heaven, including the angels of God and more…..


Is there an Afterlife?

Is there an Afterlife?

Jesus Christ is the son of God and the bishop of our souls and currently lives in and surrounds all who believe in Him and have repented of their sins and accepted Him as their Lord and savior.

Click here if you want to know more about Jesus Christ being your Lord and Savior.


Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. – 圣. 约翰· 15:13

The following song is a popular hymn sung here in the United States. The title is “Love Lifted Me” The song references and symbolizes the love of Jesus Christ, the son of God, and how he rescues us from sin. Sin is any transgression of God’s laws. Since our human father Adam sinned, we all were born into sin and shaped into iniquity, which is even greater sins.

The lyrics or words to this song are:

I was sinkin’ deep in sin
Far from the peaceful shore
Very deeply stained within
Sinking to rise no more.
But the master of the sea
Heard my despairing cry
And from the waters lifted me
Now safe am I.

Love lifted me
Love lifted me
When nothing else could help
Love lifted me.

Love lifted me
Love lifted me
When nothing else could help
Love lifted me.

Please watch the video below. The artist Dawn Edwards is singing “Love Lifted Me” in the background of this magnificent portrayal of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the amazing event that occurred approximately 2000 years ago to bring ALL human beings back into fellowship with God and give ALL the opportunity to go to Heaven by simply receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour, 我们的罪悔改,相信他为我们的罪而死. 这本书的行为章 2 verse 38 also states “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”


2 评论

  • Jeanita 说:

    谢谢你的提醒我们对基督的爱 – 全人类. 它是很容易把他的爱是理所当然 – 因为如果他把这归功于我们, 因为我们是如此特别. 我们不是那么特别. 我们也不值得他爱, 我们可能永远不会做任何事去赚来的. 这意味着,如果我们会花时间去真正地冥想对耶稣的爱和所有的, 我们将永远不能把我们背对着他, 然后走开的时候. 当我真的想着它, 这是爱的我理解的深度和广度的他令人惊叹,因为它永远不会是爱的我以前在这里在地球上经历过的东西真的很难. 它很难找到类似于爱的地球上的任何, 或甚至接近它. 我已经经历了持久的, 真正的爱情之前. 但这基督已经为我们的爱是不同, 特别. 这是超出我的理解. 所以谢谢你这鼓舞人心的文章和提醒数量级的这伟大的爱, 和邀请,深刻地反映了对这份爱. 因为它的确是解除我这爱 ❤.

  • 玛塞拉拌机 说:

    耶稣的爱和神的爱超过任何其他. 我感激和感动你的启发和激励的话语. 我很高兴知道我自己的丰富性和深度的他是连续和固体永远不会离开或放弃我们的爱. 美丽
