यह सिर्फ एक डीएनए समस्या नहीं है!

गुड मॉर्निंग परिवार.

family generational curses

Generational Curses?


Many of you don’t believe in generational curses. तो अपने परिवार के साथ क्या हो रहा है? झूठ बोलना, आलस्य, विकृति, गुस्सा, लड़ाई, डिप्रेशन, गरीबी, मानसिक बीमारी, आदि…आप अगले परिवार के पुनर्मिलन के लिए जाना चाहते हो सकता, धन्यवाद रात के खाने, क्रिसमस रात्रिभोज, etc..and कुछ सवाल पूछना.
हाँ, के बारे में सवाल अपने, दादा और नानी, महान दादा दादी, महान, यहां तक ​​कि अपने महान महान दादा दादी और, महान, महान दादा दादी. You’ll discover that what you see happening in your immediate family even things that are going on with you are generational. You can break the curse off your family and even yourself. But as long as you believe there is no curse, you’re cursed.

Pray and seek direction from God on this. I did.

I broke some stuff off my granddaughter that had not yet manifested but was in our blood line. The curse stopped with me. No more of my ancestors’ mess will operate in our family. The scientists call it DNA. I call it CURSED! Sin itself is a generational curse. See Genesis 3:1-19 & एक्सोदेस 20:1-5.

The curse of sin was broken for us on the cross. BUT UN-confessed & UN-repentant sins open up doors for the curses on our life to activate. In other words, when we sin and don’t confess or repent we give Satan a legal right in our lives.


-Pastor G. Hawkins

1 कमेंट

  • एडमिन कहते हैं:

    For the Christian who is worried about a generational curse, the answer is salvation through Jesus Christ. A Christian is a new creation (2 कोरिंथियंस 5:17). Why should a child of God still be under a generational curse (रोमनों 8:1)? The cure for a “generational curse” is repentance of the sin or sins in question, consistent faith in Christ, and a life consecrated to the Lord (रोमनों 12:1-2).

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