Prayer for Forgiveness

Jesus Christ we come with repentant hearts and we ask that You forgive us of our sins. Forgive us for messing up; for our words and actions; our attitudes and behaviors. Jesus Christ forgive us for the many times we fall down and make mistakes. Forgive us for speaking words that bring harm to others and that wound the souls and hurt people emotionally and mentally.


Forgive us for not reflecting Your love to those around us; forgive us for falling into deceptions and lies of the enemy. Forgive us for allowing hatred to enter into our hearts and allowing bitterness to take root in our souls. Jesus Christ forgive us for being critical and judgmental; for lacking in mercy and grace.


Forgive us for not adhering to sound doctrine and falling for ear tickling and for the things we want to here. Jesus Christ forgive the church for falling asleep and becoming complacent and apathetic; for becoming lukewarm. Forgive the church for compromising and giving into the ways of the world.


O God have mercy on all of us for we are imperfect and our hearts are dreadfully wicked. We have fallen into and listened to the lies of the enemy; forgive us for giving into false doctrines, false religions, idolatry, false teachings. Dios, we have strayed away from the real and true Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Forgive us. We come with repentant hearts and we cry out to You, Lord Jesus. Amén.


Árbitro. Banda, J., 2013, Faith in Action Ministries, AL

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