从偏执型精神分裂症交付 & SNAKES

启示 12: 11 他们胜过他,是因羔羊的血, 和自己所见证的道; 他们不爱自己的生命直到死亡.

这是一个关于一个女人的证词谁是被折磨蛇交付,将爬在她的,因为她晚上睡觉. 短短五年时间, she had been institutionalized three times and was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.

She was a 26-year old flower child from the 1960s. She was a Christian and a university graduate; 然而, she had severe mental and emotional problems that developed after her father divorced her mother. 短短五年时间, Mary had been institutionalized three times and was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. After about three weeks of counseling, Mary finally told me about her struggle with snakes.

They used to crawl on her when she was in the bed. She would get so terrified that she would run in to her mother; however the snakes would always come back when she was alone.

She was then instructed to say “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave me”. Mary protested and said “I couldn’t do that. I’m not mature or strong enough.” The minister told her “It’s not a matter of your maturity; it’s a matter of your position in Christ. You have as much right to submit to God and resist the devil as I do.”

Mary seemed to be afraid to rebuke the snakes; 然而, she still TRIED what the minister instructed her to do. The next week she came back and said “THE SNAKES ARE GONE!”

If her problem had been neurological versus spiritual, then taking authority over the snakes in the name of Jesus Christ wouldn’t have worked; 然而, in Mary’s case the problem was spiritual and 5 years of hospitalization and chemical treatment had NOT worked.



安德森, 尼尔. 束缚Breaker.Eugene:收获之家, 2000. 打印


2 评论

  • anon 说:

    Thank you for sharing this woman’s testimony. The same thing happened to me. I could sense snakes circling in the air before spitting venom at me. I also felt them slithering on top of me in bed. This went on for weeks after the backfired deliverance the Lord did for me. My testimony is a long one but you can find my channel under sn BloomedChild. I am desperately seeking help for deliverance against demonic spirits that are causing Schizophrenia. If you can help, I would be entirely grateful. God bless.

    • 管理员 说:

      Thank you for your response. Jesus Christ is Lord and wants you to live the abundant life. Don’t compromise your relationship with Jesus Christ.Allow Him to be Lord and master of your life. Submit completely to Jesus Christ and let Him make and keep you free. Receive His Holy Spirit in order to have power to stay free. Please take time to read Ms. Suri’s testimony on deliverance from demonic oppression https://www.womenunspotted.com/testimony-of-a-former-sikh/

      You still have hope. Jesus Christ wants you to be free. Why not let Him do it? Our prayers and thoughts are with you.
