104 #LOVE Hashtags
Many of us have gotten somewhat confused on the real meaning of love…well God has defined TRUE LOVE because God is LOVE. God’s definition of true love is expressed in the following 104 #LOVE Hashtags 104 #LOVE Hashtags 1. Drop the charges. Forgive. #love people 2. He that is merciful shall obtain mercy. #love people 3. Shine the … Lire la suite →
What is the definition of FAITH?
We must have faith in Jesus Christ NO MATTER what storms we face in life. Trust that He is in control of all things, including, but not limited to, the elements. He has already overcome the world and knows what it takes for you to be an overcomer also. There is a passage in the bible about the amazing … Lire la suite →
Emunah Faith says Amen to God’s Will
In Hebrew, the word EMUNAH represents the word FAITH. The word EMUNAH was derived from AMAN which means firmness, something or someone that is firm in their actions or to securely trust or rely upon (and from which we get the word “Amen”). FAITH is usually perceived as a knowing while the Hebrew EMUNAH is a firm action. One who … Lire la suite →
Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?
There is a story referenced in the Bible (Marque 4:35-41 & Matthew 8:23-27) where Jesus and His disciples boarded a ship to the Gergesenes. While they were on the ship, there arose a great storm. Wind and waves were beating into the ship. The waves covered the ship where it was full of water. During this horrendous ordeal, the disciples … Lire la suite →
Here I am to Worship God
The following song that I am singing in the video below is entitled ‘Here I am to Worship.’ I believe it was originally performed by Chris Tomlin, who is an anointed Christian singer. I love to sing this song and meditate on the words of this song as I offer worship to God. God is looking for those of … Lire la suite →
Nous adorons Dieu même en deuil
II Samuel 12:19 Mais David, voyant que ses serviteurs parlaient tout bas, David comprit que l'enfant était mort: donc David dit à ses serviteurs, Est la mort de l'enfant? Et ils ont dit, He is dead. 20 Puis David se leva de terre, et lavé, et se oint, et a changé ses vêtements, et est entré dans la maison de l'Éternel, et adoré: … Lire la suite →
Nous adorons Dieu, même quand nous ne pouvons pas voir Son plan complet
Règles et ceux Autorité Culte aussi Dieu
Isaïe 49:7 Ainsi parle l'Éternel, le Rédempteur d'Israël, et son Saint, à celui que l'homme méprise, à celui que la nation abhorre, à un serviteur de dirigeants, Kings verront et se lèveront, princes se prosterneront, cause de l'Éternel qui est fidèle, et le Saint d'Israël, et il te choisir. Actes 8:27 … Lire la suite →
Nous qui adorent Dieu doit avoir un cœur repentant
Jérémie 26:1 Au début du règne de Joakim, fils de Josias, roi de Juda, cette parole du Seigneur, disant, 2 Ainsi parle l'Éternel; Stand dans la cour de la maison de l'Éternel, et de parler à toutes les villes de Juda, qui viendra se prosterner dans la maison de l'Éternel, all the words that I command thee … Lire la suite →