“Lord, help me to love as if I have never been hurt.”
For awhile now this has been my prayer. Possibly the hardest prayer I have ever prayed. Not because I do not want to be healed and set free from the pains of the past that have hardened some areas of my being, but because I *know* the Lord hears me and He *will* put me through the fire to make me as such.
Let’s be honest, it is easier for us women to hold unto things. We may bury our hurts sometimes by those closest to us and try to move on with life with a smile, but that is not what the Lord calls us to do. He wants to uproot those hurts. To truly heal us from our deepest wounds and sorrows. To overlook every offense and to love others (even the worst of our adversaries on earth) with the most beautiful, agape Christ-mirrored love. Quick to forgive. Slow to anger. Present in times of trouble. To be be a blessing in every place. Not holding back for fear of being hurt.
“To love at all is to be vulnerable.” – C.S. Lewis
With all that being said, this is not a post encouraging anyone to stay somewhere they are being physically abused or in a dangerous situation with others. Only to remind you, sister, that genuine forgiveness in Christ is possible. Whether you are around someone everyday or from afar, you do not have to carry those hurts with you anymore. We must lay these burdens at the feet of Jesus. Not for their sake, but ours. They weigh us down and hinder us. All the while praying for those who have lashed at us throughout this lifetime as well, that God may bless them with more of Himself and that they too can be set free.
For have not we all offended others at one point of time or another? For don’t we all need forgiveness? God says if we don’t forgive others their trespasses, He will not forgive us of ours.
This is my current fight and it is not a pretty one spiritually, but it is a growing one. The Lord is having to show me things I have not noticed within myself. Though I have wished no one bad in this life or the next, this is a purging and a pruning. I need it. The more others hurt me, may the more I love them. My Savior showed us the perfect example. I will not just forgive them 70×7 times, but more if I have to.
Sisters, we cannot be our best in Christ when we carry over things from yesterdays to today. We have to learn to let go and trust God.
I trust God with my heart. A battered one, no doubt – but I trust Him with all I have. To His Glory alone will He see me through.
Not my typical post, but I thought I would share this today in hopes it blesses someone else. Growth is not easy. Sanctification is not a walk in the park. A real faith must be tested to be trusted. Everyday I see more of where I can grow in the Lord and everyday I ask Him to mold me into His image. We should never be complacent in this walk. Every learning. Ever growing. Ever glorifying Him. Ever serving those before us.
Help me, Lord.
Help me.
Bless them.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
{Hebrews 12:1-2}
“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” {1 John 4:11}
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