
我该怎么做才能得救并接受上帝的圣灵? 凭信心领受交付者. 标 1:15; 约翰· 3:16; 标 16:15-16; 希伯来书 11:1,6. 请记住,是神赐予悔改,这对于拯救是必不可少的. 行为 11:18. 你, 作为罪人, 状况不佳,上帝有补救措施. Rom. 3:23; 诗篇 51; 约翰· 3:16 Recognize that继续阅读 →

新书|内在力量将于三月上市 21, 2021!

更新! 内在的力量: Dawn Kellum撰写的《我与圣灵的经历》现在可以在亚马逊上预订, 苹果, 工房, 巴恩斯与贵族, 电子书和平装书中的Google Playbooks和更多内容. 本书简介我的名字是Dawn Kellum, 内在力量的作者: 我对圣灵的经历. 谢谢你跟我一起来 … 继续阅读 →


与黎明凯伦姆和朋友一起回到教堂是一个播客系列,反映了教堂服务, 包括讲道笔记, 在赞美和崇拜中演唱的歌曲等等. 在此处收听 AUDIBLE 上的 Back to Church 播客


  We must have faith in Jesus Christ NO MATTER what storms we face in life. Trust that He is in control of all things, including, but not limited to, the elements. He has already overcome the world and knows what it takes for you to be an overcomer also. There is a passage in the bible about the amazing … 继续阅读 →

Emunah Faith says Amen to God’s Will

In Hebrew, the word EMUNAH represents the word FAITH. The word EMUNAH was derived from AMAN which means firmness, something or someone that is firm in their actions or to securely trust or rely upon (and from which we get the word “阿门”). FAITH is usually perceived as a knowing while the Hebrew EMUNAH is a firm action. One who … 继续阅读 →