Category Archives: Love

Meditations: Lord, help me to love as if I have never been hurt
“Lord, help me to love as if I have never been hurt.” For awhile now this has been my prayer. Possibly the hardest prayer I have ever prayed. Not because I do not want to be healed and set free from the pains of the past that have hardened some areas of my being, but because I *know* the Lord … Continue Reading →

Happy Father’s Day
God Our Father Let us sing this hymn together. “How Deep The Father’s Love For Us” – Stuart Townend How Deep The Father’s Love For Us, How Vast Beyond All Measure, That He Should Give His Only Son To Make A Wretch His Treasure. How Great The Pain Of Searing Loss. The Father Turns His Face Away, As Wounds Which … Continue Reading →

New Book|The Power Within is available March 21, 2021!
UPDATE! The Power Within: My Experience with the Holy Spirit by Dawn Kellum is now available for pre-order on Amazon, Apple, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Google Playbooks and more in eBook and Paperback. BOOK INTRODUCTION My name is Dawn Kellum, author of The Power Within: My Experience with the Holy Spirit. Thank you for coming along with me on this … Continue Reading →

Deliverance from Spirit Spouse, Incubus, Succubus and Sleep Paralysis
What is a Spirit Spouse, Incubus, Succubus or Sleep Paralysis? DEFINITION INCUBUS AND SUCCUBUS – INCUBI AND SUCCUBI – DEMONS THAT HAVE INTERCOURSE WITH YOU INCUBUS and SUCCUBUS are spirits or demons that lie on sleeping human beings – women, men and children – in order to have sexual intercourse. Their goal is to deposit demonic transferences into you to … Continue Reading →

Powerful Daily Prayers and Meditations

Love Lifted Me
The love that my savior Jesus Christ has for me and all humanity is the greatest love of all. No such love has ever existed since the world began where the one true and living God sends His son, Jesus Christ, into this world to become the sacrifice for the sins of every human being in order to bring them … Continue Reading →
My Experience with the New Age religion
Robin Harfouche was part of the New Age religion and worked as a professional dancer in Hollywood. She had “Spirit Guides” who lead her to do ungodly things in exchange for fame and more. She did not know during that time that those “Spirit Guides” were actually demons leading her on a path to destruction. When Robin started pulling back … Continue Reading →
Story 1 – The Love of Jesus
This is the story of Jordan Samuel. He did not originally believe that Hell exists; however, after going there, he now believes. Earlier in life, he made up in his mind that he didn’t want to know Jesus and, prior to this experience, he had lived a life of sin not knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. One day after work … Continue Reading →
104 #LOVE Hashtags
Many of us have gotten somewhat confused on the real meaning of love…well God has defined TRUE LOVE because God is LOVE. God’s definition of true love is expressed in the following 104 #LOVE Hashtags 104 #LOVE Hashtags 1. Drop the charges. Forgive. #love people 2. He that is merciful shall obtain mercy. #love people 3. Shine the … Continue Reading →
Why Am I Fuchsia??!! Your Skin Color is on Purpose
We are the color we are un-apologetically because God allowed us to be the color we are un-apologetically – whether fuchsia, black, yellow, red, green orange, etc. All flesh is as grass and as the flower of the field. When you see a pink rose, you see a rose. When you see a red rose, you see a rose. … Continue Reading →