Category Archives: Kept by Jesus 24/7
Have the Heart of a Finisher while Keeping on the Firing Line
QUESTION: Can God give two of His children the SAME message? ANSWER: YES My brother, who is an ordained Elder, was scheduled to preach at a church in Detroit. He asked me a few weeks prior to accompany him by ministering in song directly before his sermon. I sought the Lord through consecration about a song to sing. God gave … Continue Reading →

Prayer for Freedom from Sexual Immorality
Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, right now, we take authority and renounce the powers of sexual sin, immorality, fornication, adultery and every chain of sexual enticement right now, in Jesus Christ Name. We break its power over the minds and hearts and emotions of every man and woman, in Jesus Name. We bruise and bind the spirit … Continue Reading →
Do NOT LET Anyone Snatch you From My Hand. They are NOT worth more than Me!
The Lord is saying you dwell in heavenly places with Him. You are the sheep of His pasture. YOU BELONG TO JESUS CHRIST. When people try to make you feel you are not saved or if they try to remind you of your past before salvation or if they try to degrade, condemn or dehumanize you, the evil spirits of … Continue Reading →
Redeemed by Blood
His blood is SO strong and POTENT that it washes away ALL of our sins, it HEALS our bodies, it DRIVES away wicked and demonic spirits, it has REDEEMED us, it is POWERFUL, AND MORE….Jesus Christ is purifying himself a people who are His very OWN. All of the redeemed belong to Jesus Christ. The devil cannot legally touch you. … Continue Reading →
Greater is Coming
God allows situations to come in our lives to bring out the best in us and to make us better and prepare us for greater and to GLORIFY HIM as well as SPOIL Principalities. He is preparing you for greater things. God is saying that “GREATER IS COMING.” Your situation is there to make you STRONGER Not WEAKER. When you … Continue Reading →
No More Going Back to the Vomit
9.11.13 – Jesus Christ spoke to me today and said “NO MORE will you be Satan’s play-thing. NO MORE will you continue to go back to the same sin like a dog goes back to its own vomit. NO MORE will you stay at the same level. NO MORE will you run around in circles to the SAME thing. I … Continue Reading →
Jesus Christ is saying that He will keep you if you want to be kept.Whatever sin(s) that so EASILY beset you, He will keep you from committing the sin(s) if you want to be kept. You do not have to sin. It is YOUR choice. Whenever you enter into temptation, you will hear Jesus say “Do you WANT me to … Continue Reading →
Represent the Kingdom
Some people perform activities that empower the physical being to be reactive to its environment by being “expressive” – no matter how obscene or violent. We as children of God should perform activities that empower the physical being to seek the omniscience of its creator -who knows the end from the beginning – to perform necessary proactive activities conducive to … Continue Reading →
Being a Woman Unspotted
A Woman Un-Spotted is Righteous, Virtuous, Moral, Good, Just, Blameless, Upright, Honorable, Honest, Respectable, Decent, Principled, Noble, Fair, Ethical, Admirable, Praiseworthy, Truthful and Sincere. A Woman Un-Spotted must ALWAYS seek to do the right thing and make the righteous decision in EVERY aspect of her life. In this life we always face trials, struggles and temptations. Our adversary AKA Satan, … Continue Reading →