Blog Archives
Have the Heart of a Finisher while Keeping on the Firing Line
QUESTION: Can God give two of His children the SAME message? ANSWER: YES My brother, who is an ordained Elder, was scheduled to preach at a church in Detroit. He asked me a few weeks prior to accompany him by ministering in song directly before his sermon. I sought the Lord through consecration about a song to sing. God gave … Continue Reading →
Soon Ah Will Be Done
My godmother and my sister-in-law passed away about 5 months ago within 2 days of each other. My beloved Mother passed away about a month ago. God has given me GREAT comfort through this very difficult road of grief. They all knew Christ Jesus and are present with God. Soon, those of us that know and love Christ Jesus, will … Continue Reading →

Prayer for Freedom from Sexual Immorality
Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, right now, we take authority and renounce the powers of sexual sin, immorality, fornication, adultery and every chain of sexual enticement right now, in Jesus Christ Name. We break its power over the minds and hearts and emotions of every man and woman, in Jesus Name. We bruise and bind the spirit … Continue Reading →
Let It Snow! SNOW is Like Grace
Snow. Snow. Snow Snow is defined as soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall to the ground from the sky in cold weather. Many people who live in the US will agree that there has been an overabundance of snow this winter. Snow has even fallen in places that don’t normally get this type of precipitation, such as parts … Continue Reading →
What is Salvation? The definition of salvation is “The deliverance, by the grace of God, FROM eternal punishment for sin which is granted to those who accept by faith God’s conditions of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus.” Salvation is available in Jesus alone (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). ————————————————————————————————————————————- Truth About Salvation 1st Truth about Salvation: Being saved or … Continue Reading →
Your Every Breath is a Gift from God
I was trying to express what God placed in my Spirit about the gift of every breath AND He told me that someone already wrote what I was trying to express…so He helped me to locate the following quote by THOMAS MERTON: “To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything He has given us – … Continue Reading →
Is there Hope Beyond the Grave?
Is There Hope Beyond the Grave? Yes! Those who live in Christ Jesus and allow Jesus Christ to be Lord of their lives have HOPE BEYOND THE GRAVE!!!??? II Corinthians 5:5 [AMP] For we know that if the tent which is our earthly home is destroyed (dissolved), we have from God a building, a house not made with hands, eternal … Continue Reading →
Listening and Hearing from GOD
Sometimes we think that God is not answering our prayers because it SEEMS that He is not giving an immediate answer; however, remember that HE IS STILL SPEAKING TO YOU IN many other diverse ways…Open up your heart and allow the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ to provide spiritual discernment to hear and receive the answer you need to hear … Continue Reading →
God WILL DO as HE Promised
God is saying that He will give what He has promised. God is working it out now. He has not stopped working. He has NEVER given up working on what He has promised you. He is up ALL NIGHT AND ALL DAY working on your promises even when you turned your back on Him and betrayed Him. … Continue Reading →
Do NOT LET Anyone Snatch you From My Hand. They are NOT worth more than Me!
The Lord is saying you dwell in heavenly places with Him. You are the sheep of His pasture. YOU BELONG TO JESUS CHRIST. When people try to make you feel you are not saved or if they try to remind you of your past before salvation or if they try to degrade, condemn or dehumanize you, the evil spirits of … Continue Reading →