Blog Archives

Meditations: Lord, help me to love as if I have never been hurt
“Lord, help me to love as if I have never been hurt.” For awhile now this has been my prayer. Possibly the hardest prayer I have ever prayed. Not because I do not want to be healed and set free from the pains of the past that have hardened some areas of my being, but because I *know* the Lord … Continue Reading →

Too Skeptical to Have any more Faith
“Cynical, religious people. Chances are you’re going to Hell, because you don’t have faith in what can save you” – G. Craige Lewis Do you struggle with cynicism? Do you look for the bad in people or expect negative outcomes before they even occur? In this message, Pastor Lewis gives solutions to being free from a cynical, skeptical spirit. … Continue Reading →

How a Psychic Tricks You out of your Money

How Technology Distracts

Sounds of the Season

Christianity VS Greek Fraternities & Sororities | A 7000 Club Exclusive

My Abortion|What NOBODY told me

Happy Father’s Day
God Our Father Let us sing this hymn together. “How Deep The Father’s Love For Us” – Stuart Townend How Deep The Father’s Love For Us, How Vast Beyond All Measure, That He Should Give His Only Son To Make A Wretch His Treasure. How Great The Pain Of Searing Loss. The Father Turns His Face Away, As Wounds Which … Continue Reading →

The Truth about the Music Industry by YK Osiris