What Breakthrough Feels Like!

Hello Friends.

Have you ever received a breakthrough?  This is what a breakthrough feels like..


  • -mental or emotional confusion is removed
    -thoughts are clear
    -you feel the peace of God
    -you sense the presence of God
    -you relax in His presence
    -hindrances are removed
    – no matter what goes on around you, you still have the peace of God that surpasses human understanding. Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them.
    -revelation occurs
    – you begin to see yourself how God sees you
    -you begin to see your situations the way God sees them
    – you stop substituting material things for the things of God.
    -you receive healing healed
    -your faith increases.
    -God provides a revelation
    -you start to find answers for things you’ve sought a long time.
    -the devil is forced to remove his control from you.
    -the power of God surrounds you.
    -the storms you go through in life seem minimal compared to the God you serve.
    -the mountains in your life no longer seem insurmountable. They appear very small as you look through the eyes of faith mountainmadelow
    -You receive consistent divine insight
    -the Holy Spirit’s voice is stronger as you are ministered the word of God
    -the devil flees satanflees
    -you can see your way much clearer
    -you can see the sun shining bright although the day is cloudy
    -the answers you seek from God are answered. They may not be the answers you thought you needed but they ARE definitely the answers you need. Sometimes we don’t always know what to pray for so the Holy Spirit makes intercession with groanings that cannot be uttered. spirit makes intercession
    -joy is restored
    -your world may be going crazy all around you, but you still experience God’s peace and realize that the devil is only trying to steal your joy and your peace yet again- but the peace remains because you exercise the power of the Holy Spirit within you to cast out devils and you learn how to pray for those who have been tricked by the devil into stealing your joy or your peace whether they are aware or not. Jesus said pray for them. They ALSO need to be delivered just like YOU.They may be your eternal brothers and sisters in Christ who need to be set free from sin and darkness. Their eternal life through Christ Jesus and their breakthrough may ONLY be obtained through your prayers and interceding on their behalf because others may be so sick and tired of them that they just don’t care about them any more.
    -unexplainable peace is restored
    -you feel like you’re in Heaven.
    -your spirit of heaviness is replaced with a garment of praise
    -your sorrow is turned into joy
    -your complaining turns into gratefulness.
    -you have a forgiving heart because you know you are forgiven. He that is forgiven of much, loveth much.
    -you feel God’s love surrounding you     deepthefatherslove
    -things that belong to the devil are removed, i.e. un-forgiveness, hate, bitterness, wrath, jealousy and more.
    -you feel no condemnation because you know you are honest with God and you maintain a repentant heart.
    -you know that you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you
    -you are more sensitive spiritually to the things pertaining to God
    -your desires become God’s desires
    -what breaks God’s heart breaks yours as well.
    -you stop looking for worldly possessions to fill the void that ONLY God can provide
    -you can see your way much clearer than before
    -you start to notice and appreciate the beauty of God more than the ugliness of this world
    -you see the devil’s tactics much more clearer than before.
    -you start to see the world from God’s perspective
    -you pray for everyone to be saved and experience this same type of breakthrough
    -addictions are broken
    -you receive the Rhema word from Heaven JUST FOR YOU
    -you know you are in the presence of the king of kings and the Lord of Lords
    -you understand better where you are spiritually
    -you are able to pray more effectively and communicate with God better
    -things that used to offend you irately don’t offend you anymore because the love of God illuminates you so much so that you feel the divine love, you show the divine love, you express the divine love.
    -You realize that the God you serve is love and created LOVE. What king would leave their throne to redeem their lost family? What king would leave His comfortable throne to suffer a horrible death and then snatch the keys from death, hell and grave so that all those who receive Him can live free from sin, don’t have to taste death and can live free from bondage and much more in Him forever. Jesus Christ was wounded more than any man. No man could kill Him. He said “I lay my life down.”

How many need a BREAKTHROUGH! Only Jesus Christ can offer these types of breakthroughs. Seek salvation through Him alone. He is the ONLY WAY, the ONLY TRUTH and the ONLY LIFE.  He wants you to live free in Him.  Seek Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Let Jesus Christ be the master of your life.



May God’s grace be with you in Jesus name.

your eternal Sister in Christ,


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